Like many service businesses we put all our efforts into making our clients look amazing whilst sometimes forgetting the importance of doing the same for our own. The belief being that if our clients are happy then we are too. This mindset has served us well as we continue to work with many happy clients who’ve been with us from the start of our journey and form the bedrock of our business.

2023 saw Cognition Events enter our fifth year of trading and we’re aiming to reach further and show the ambition we believe is required to grow through the launch of our new brand and website. We’ve survived Covid-19 with the shut down of in person events, and even as we move into a new year of continuing economic uncertainty we are confident in the exceptional value we offer our clients all over the UK and in the certainty of events continuing to offer the best way for people and businesses to network, connect, experience and learn.

To achieve our goals of raising the profile of Cognition Events and strengthening our online presence we realised the importance of re-energising our brand, our logo and our website and we’re thrilled with the fresh and modern look we have now achieved and how well it embodies our brand personality and values.  The design is professional, considered, clear and concise making it easy for clients to navigate.

We have refreshed our website’s content to ensure that it is engaging, and reflects our brand message. Our goal is to provide our customers with the information they need to make informed decisions about our business, our services and how we can help them with their next event project.

We’ve added a ‘News’ section to the website where we’ll host event industry news with a focus on technology and innovation, as well as our own blog posts offering insight on the latest events we are working on for our clients and those which we run ourselves.

We hope that our new website will provide our customers with an exceptional experience and make it easier for them to connect with us. We are committed to continuously improving our website and welcome any feedback or suggestions.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hearing from you through our new website!