In this post we’ll get to grips with everything you need to consider when making two critical decisions that can significantly impact the success of your event – choosing the right venue and selecting the perfect event date.

When to start looking for a venue Begin your venue search early, ideally at least eight months in advance. Define your budget, estimated event size, and determine space requirements before starting your search.

Define your event’s purpose and requirements Before diving into venue options, it’s crucial that you have understood the purpose of the event and any specific requirements. Consider factors such as the event’s size, format, and any special needs or preferences. Clearly outlining your event’s objectives will guide your venue search in the right direction.

Understand your target audience Consider the demographics, preferences, and accessibility needs of your attendees. If your audience consists mainly of professionals, a central and easily accessible location may be preferable. If you’re planning networking drinks, attendees may wish to travel by public transport. Your venue should resonate with your target audience.

Budget considerations Clearly, define your budget constraints and allocate a portion for the venue. Keep in mind that the venue cost may include not only the hire fee but also additional expenses such as catering, audio-visual equipment, furniture, and decor. Be transparent about your budget when negotiating with venues to avoid any surprises later. It may be possible to reserve the venue for a period before booking which can provide some much needed breathing space in the early stages of your event planning process.

Capacity and layout Ensure the venue can accommodate your expected number of attendees. Choose a flexible venue that can adapt to your event’s changing needs. If it is a launch event which you plan on repeating each year you’ll want to choose a venue within which the event can grow.

Ambiance and aesthetics Consider the venue’s ambiance and aesthetics to create the desired atmosphere. Visit potential venues to ensure that their style aligns with your event vision.

Technical capabilities Check for necessary audio-visual facilities, lighting, and internet connectivity. Onsite technical support is crucial for events relying on audio-visual elements as if this fails on the day without support your event could be significantly impacted.

Preferred suppliers Some venues stipulate that you must use their preferred suppliers. Check with them if this is the case and make sure that their suppliers can offer you what you need within your budget before making any booking.


Consider industry and seasonal trends Be aware of industry trends and seasonal variations that may affect attendance. Optimal days for professional events are usually Tuesday to Thursday to leave a clear gap from the weekend. Try also where possible to avoid dates within or close to school holidays to give yourself the best chance of maximum attendance.

Check for conflicts Avoid scheduling your event on major holidays, industry conferences, or other significant events. Ensure minimal competition for attendance and for sponsor and exhibitor budget.

Weather considerations The British weather can never be relied upon. For outdoor events or those reliant on fair weather, have contingency plans if the worst happens.

Lead time for planning Choose a date that allows ample time for effective organisation and marketing, especially for large-scale events requiring extensive logistical preparations.

Flexibility Having a specific date in mind is great, but being open and flexible should widen your options. The more options you have the better your chances of finding the perfect venue and best suppliers.

Choosing the right venue and event date are integral to event success. By carefully considering the purpose of your event, understanding your audience, and thoroughly vetting potential venues and dates, you give yourself a great platform for a successful and memorable event.

Contact us today if you need expert help with your next event ✨