Most professional events need to cover costs as a minimum and aim to maximise profit. For the best chance of driving sales and profits the creation of a robust sales plan is vital. This blog breaks down the essential steps to develop a sales strategy that will attract sponsors, exhibitors and delegates, leading to overall event success.

Know your audience To create a successful sales plan, start by gaining a solid understanding of the sector and your potential audience. Who are your prospective sponsors and exhibitors, and who are your delegate audience? Once you’ve defined these groups, research and analyse their distinct needs, preferences, and pain points to tailor your offerings effectively. Knowing your audience forms the foundation for a strategic sales approach.

Define your unique selling proposition Before approaching any potential event sponsors or exhibitors you should clearly define your event USPs and be able to succinctly articulate what sets it apart from other similar events. Highlight unique benefits such as industry leading keynote speakers, exhibitor showcases, and networking opportunities. Remember that you are competing for a portion of a sponsor or a delegate’s limited marketing budget and their time, so you will need to demonstrate why they should spend both on your event.

Building strategic partnerships Identify potential sponsors and exhibitors that align with your event’s objectives. Develop customised pitches that showcase the mutual benefits of collaboration. Emphasise the value they’ll gain in terms of brand exposure, networking opportunities, and access to your targeted audience. The best event partnerships are ‘win win’ in that the both the event and sponsor achieve their objectives through partnership.

Bespoke sponsorship packages Create sponsorship packages that cater to different budgets and objectives. From exclusive branding opportunities to sponsored breakout sessions and exhibitor showcases. Offer a range of options that provide value for sponsors while maximising your event’s revenue potential.

Leverage early-bird and package deals Implementing early-bird discounts and bundled packages encourages early commitments from both attendees and sponsors. Being able to promote key early partnerships makes the decision for others seem less risky and not only boosts revenue but allows you to create a sense of urgency, driving higher participation rates.

Utilise multi-channel marketing Effectively market your event through various channels—social media, email campaigns, and industry publications. Ensure consistent messaging that highlights the unique value your event delivers. Leverage these channels to drive awareness, engage potential attendees, and attract sponsors.

Creating a winning sales plan is vital in ensuring the commercial success and long-term viability of your professional event. By understanding your audience, defining your unique selling proposition, building strategic partnerships, creating bespoke sponsorship packages, offering early-bird deals, and utilising multi-channel marketing, you will create a strong platform to build a profitable event to exceed your financial objectives.

Contact us today if you need expert help with your next event ✨